Writing letters.. a thing of the past?
Posted on 16th December 2019 at 16:40
I used to love to write letters. I used to love to read books. When I was younger, there seemed to be an abundance of wonderfully engrossing books I could easily devour in one sitting. When I was a lot lot younger I remember one of THE best books to lose myself in was the Oxford English Dictionary...
Yep, the only book you could validly buy as a kid, over the counter and with your parents blessing that had a gamut of dirty, smutty words that you and your friends could giggle and guffaw about as you hid under your coats in the cloakroom!!
Now, my children give me the sideways glance as I grimace when they happen to use, how should I describe it, a ‘choice’ word when paraphrasing something they’ve seen on the tv or heard that they want to tell me about. I’m no prude but, goodness gracious, why does it seem the norm to see and hear what, back in my day, was classed as out of bounds, crass or just downright crude?
Ah well, at least I can maintain some semblance of propriety in my own home and home is where the heart is. So, for this upcoming festive season, put aside your inner grump and revel in the shiny twinkly innocence of Christmas (even if it is just an illusion!!)

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